Contact Us

Stuart Rowles BA,CFP,CLU,ChFC,CHS


Martina Rasmus

Suite 1810
1075 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
V6E 3C9
Bus:(604) 684-8313
Fax:(604) 684-8315




Thought For The Day


Mission Statement....
To provide unbiased, personalized financial advice, solutions, and services that will enable our clients to achieve their individual goals and ensure financial independence and retirement security. Rowles Financial does not represent any single life insurance company, investment firm, bank or trust company. We search the market to find the best product to meet the needs of each client.

Profile and Experience...
  Stuart has been providing professional advice since 1988. His specialties include comprehensive financial planning for retirement, investment management, insurance planning and employee benefit plans.


Stuart is a member in good standing of the following organizations and subscribes to their respective codes of ethics and standards of conduct:

Degrees and Designations

BA - University of British Columbia
CFP - Certified Financial Planner
CLU - Chartered Life Underwriter
ChFC - Chartered Financial Consultant
CHS- Certified Health Insurance Specialist


CLU - Chartered Life Underwriter

For more than 80 years, the CLU designation has been widely recognized as a mark of excellence in the industry. The Chartered Life Underwriter is a professional financial advisor specializing in developing effective solutions for individuals, business owners and professionals in the areas of income replacement, risk management, estate planning, and wealth transfer.

CHS - Certified Health Insurance Specialist

A CHS is a professional financial advisor specializing in living benefits, including income replacement and risk management solutions for individuals, business owners and professionals.
The CHS is the only designation in Canada denoting specialized knowledge in all areas of living benefits and is the premier credential in the health insurance industry.

CH.F.C - Chartered Financial Consultant

A Chartered Financial Consultant is a financial advisor with advanced knowledge in wealth accumulation and retirement planning. An advisor with a CH.F.C. is an expert in retirement planning and capital accumulation strategies.

CFP - Certified Financial Planner

The Certified Financial Planner designation is an internationally recognized standard for financial planning. It is granted by the Financial Planners Standards Council (FPSC). An advisor with a CFP may help you with personal financial planning and offer advice on investment products and strategies.

Life - Health - Disability - Group Benefits  - Pension Plans - RRSP's - RRIF's - RESP's - Annuities - Investments

Our Philosophy
- To tailor a financial plan to meet each clients individual goals and dreams.
- Keep you informed about investments and other financial planning opportunities.
- Recommend investments that are based on your risk tolerance and time horizon.
- Assist you in meeting your current and future financial obligations.
- Focus on estate conservation and wealth creation.
- Select quality products with a competitive edge.

  Rowles Financial receives commission and other fees from the product sales and services fees that are associated with it